A dream without a plan is like a ship without a destination.

The Secret Ingredient To Your Retirement Success IS YOU

Create your own pension

Long gone are the days of working for the same company for 30 years and then collecting a pension. Three-legged stool (Pension, Social Security, and Savings Account) looks more like a one-legged bar stool. The cost of living constantly rising and Social Security benefits seemingly an ongoing news story. More than ever clients seek qualified advice on how to fund, grow, and how to keep their retirement accounts safe. No matter what your retirement plans are, we can agree that you need to make the first step for them to become a reality.

Shield Your Retirement

Among our most popular options are annuities and insurance products that offer tax advantages and peace of mind that you may not know about. Be sure to ask us what has changed since the last time you had a personalized retirement planning conversation.

  • Tax-free and tax-deferred options
  • Principal guaranteed options
  • Familiar and cutting-edge product options

We offer a broad spectrum of retirement planning options

Fixed Indexed Annuities
Multi-Year Guarantee Annuities (MYGA)
Single-Premium Indexed Annuities (SPIA)
Indexed Universal Life Programs (IUL)

The American Insurance Shield process

  • Social Security Benefits filing Early vs Delaying
    The best way for you to take Social Security benefits without making costly mistakes
  • Residual Income Planning for the golden years
    How you can turn your savings into a reliable stream of retirement income that will last as long as you do
  • Paying Taxes during your retirement
    Opportunities to reduce certain taxes in retirement and keep more of your hard-earned money
  •  Market Downside Protection
    How you can limit downside risk and potentially reduce fees on your retirement accounts
  • Cost of Health Care
    How to protect your retirement account by creating your own Health Care fund. Health Care cost can be as high as six digits in the retirement

Time is the most valuable commodity

Whether you started your life journey or ready to live your golden years, there is never too late to start creating your retirement fund or look at protecting your hard-earned money from a market correction. At American Insurance Shield, we focus on your unique goals, priorities, and resources to deliver custom-tailored financial strategies. If you are looking for safe money accounts, insurance, or other financial planning products, we are here for you. We take pride in offering our clients personalized attention and extensive product options, to help identify the right financial vehicle for you.

Contact us today to schedule your confidential retirement planning assessment.