We proudly represent market-leading insurance carriers that go hand in hand with a future, carriers whose
primary focus is protecting families and businesses from unexpected with cutting edge insurance products at a
price you can afford. No one want’s an average Life Insurance coverage, we truly believe our families deserve
the best things in life, with no exceptions, and Life Insurance is one of them.

Life Insurance Solutions

When considering the right insurance coverage for your family or business, it’s important to know all the options available to you, and choosing the right vehicle is the key.

Term Life Insurance

More coverage
Highest Death Benefit
Lowest cost

Whole Life / Final Expense Insurance

Coverage will stay the
same over the life of the policy
with a cash value component

Index Universal Life Insurance

Flexible premiums with a cash value component

Advanced Mortgage Protection Insurance

More benefits and value than
traditional mortgage life insurance

Business Partners and Key Man Solutions

Protect your Business from losing Business Partners or Key Employees

Life Happens

One of the greatest and the strongest tools to build financial safety for your family is Life Insurance. It provides a tax-free lump sum benefit for a family’s financial security and stability during a critical time in the event of a death. But life insurance can be much more than just a death benefit. It can provide additional benefits such as living benefits (for Critical, Chronic, or Terminal illness), can create potentially tax-free retirement income, put aside college money for your children, pay a monthly benefit for a disability, keep a business successful from losing a key employee to the competitor or protect the business in the event of a business partners death.

When considering protection for your family or business through the stages of life, it’s important choosing the right advice and having all options available to you. We have years of experience getting families the recommendations on the newest programs that make sense. Our determination and experience planning and protecting your family’s future is what our team has always been about.

Term Life Insurance

Get More Coverage, More Benefits at Lower Cost

Lot’s changed since the first Traditional Term Life Insurance policy was created. Traditional Term Life Insurance policy pays only if death occurs during the term of the policy. While there are still insurance companies who sell these insurance policies, at American Insurance Shield we proudly represent market-leading insurance carriers that go hand in hand with the future. Today Term Life Insurance provides more than just a death benefit, Terminal, Critical, and Chronic Illness accelerated death benefits (we call it Living Benefits) are automatically included in your policy at no additional premium. This is the simplest form of life insurance that provides the highest death benefits and living benefits at the lowest cost. Policy premiums are fixed, and policy can range from 10 to 30 years. The policy can be renewed for another term or converted to a Whole Life or Indexed Universal Life Policy.

Whole Life
Final Expense Insurance

Long Term Protection, Cash Value Accumulation

Also known as a “permanent” Life Insurance policy, Whole Life Insurance provides coverage for the life of the insured, guaranteeing it’s rate and coverage. It has a savings component called cash value that is guaranteed. This policy is a good suggestion for estate planning, long-term protection, or if understood and used right, it’s a great tool as Infinite Banking Concept – Become Your Own Banker.

Index Universal Life Insurance (IUL)

More than just a Permanent Life Insurance

IUL is a type of Permanent Life Insurance that offers the flexibility of adjustable insurance premiums and has a potentially higher opportunity to increase policy cash value without the downside risk of investing in the equities market. Furthermore, Index Universal Life Insurance not only helps to protect beneficiaries but offers Living Benefits and also allows to build cash value that can potentially be used in a tax-advantaged manner. IUL has more policy options and flexibility compared to Whole Life Insurance. This policy may be ideal for those who need the death benefit protection but focus on the cash value accumulation for lifetime needs, such as supplementing retirement income.

Advanced Mortgage
Protection Insurance

More benefits and value than traditional mortgage life insurance

Traditional Mortgage Life Insurance policy is designed to protect heirs if the borrower dies while owing mortgage payments, which is similar to a Term life policy. The policy can be a fixed premium for a specific period of time, but Term Life Insurance with Living Benefits can bring more value to the table. By having a policy with Living Benefits, the insured can accelerate a portion of the death benefit if diagnosed with a qualifying critical, chronic, or terminal illness. These benefits can pay mortgage payments, medical bills, or replace income, while the insured is alive. A Return of Premium option, refunding you all premiums paid in if you outlive the policy, life insurance for your children is great optional riders that are available to add.

Business Key
Man Solutions

Keep your Key Employees and Business Partners

The success of any business depends on a smart strategy and planning. Whether you own a large company or a small family-operated business, it’s important to protect your hard work. Losing a Key Employee to a competitor or Business Partner due to death can be costly to the business. Executive Bonus – Key Employee or Buy-Sell agreement can be a very powerful and yet simple way to provide a valuable benefit for company owners and key employees. An executive bonus plan acts as a rewarding incentive for individuals who are vital to the success of your business. A buy-Sell agreement can guarantee assets will be available to fund the agreement for protecting against unintended transfers of ownership.

We’re here to help when you need it. Our experts are available to review your situation and suggest the programs that would fit your needs and your budget. We focus on providing solutions to fit our clients’ needs.

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